Indiana Professional Lawn

& Landscape Association

Indiana Irrigation

Contractors Council

Liquids: The Proactive Approach to Snow Removal

29 Jul 2024 12:25 PM | IPLLA Admin (Administrator)

Liquids:  The Proactive Approach to Snow Removal
Featuring Daniel Gilliland from Camion Systems

As part of our August 22, 2024 IPLLA/IICC Summer Field Day we will offer two sessions on the benefits of Liquid Anti-icing.

In this two hour program, Daniel Gilliland of Camion Systems will discuss the 3 main reasons why you should be looking at Liquid Anti-Icing.

He will cover:

  • Safety
  • Environment
  • Cost Savings
  • Science and the art of liquids from brine to blends

The program will be held in the Board of Directors Room of the Hendricks County Fairgrounds Conference Center.  Seating is limited to 30 people and you must be registered for the Field Day to attend. There will be held a two hour session from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and a second session from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. (Both sessions will be identical).  Camion Systems will also have an outdoor equipment display booth at the Field Day Trade Show.

Remember, that you must be registered for the Summer Field Day to attend this “new product” event.  Please go online at IPLLA.COM to register and you may call me at 317-989-1208 if you would like more details.

We’ll look forward to seeing you at the Field Day!

Remember that our World Famous Barbecue Lunch is always included at the Field Day and this year in the beautiful air conditioned Hendricks Conference Hall.  So, gather up your crew and take a much deserved break at the August 22nd Summer Field Day.  You can go to our website at IPLLA.COM and pay your fees with a credit card or you can pay by mail with appropriate check made out to IPLLA at PO Box 481 in Carmel, IN  46082.  If you are employed at a school system, parks department, or other governmental entity you can also register by e-mailing a Purchase Order Number to and we will invoice your organization.

Bob Andrews
Executive Director


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